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Version: 1.2.0

SQL Transforms

SQL transforms are used to materialize SELECT statements using a user defined strategy.

SELECT statements

SQL transforms are SELECT statements materialized using a user defined strategy. The result of the SELECT statement is then used to populate the target table by applying the write strategy defined in the corresponding YAML configuration file. The SELECT statement can be as simple or as complex as needed.

The only requirement is that the result of the SELECT statement must match the schema of the target table if it exists, otherwise starlake will infer the schema.

Column description

Most of the time you won't need to document the columns in the SELECT statement as starlake will infer the schema from the result of the SELECT statement and the column documentation from the source table column description.

You may need to document the calculated columns in the SELECT statement as they don't exist in the source tables. You can do that by adding setting the attributesDesc key in the YAML configuration file.


name: <column_name>
comment: <column_description>

Custom write strategy

If none of the predefined write strategies fits your need, you can write your own update/insert/merge statements directly in the SQL file instead of letting starlake convert your select statements into update/insert/merge statements.

But in that case, you will need to set the parseSQL (true by default) to false in the YAML configuration file.


parseSQL: false